Becoming even more loved

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Have you adopted any of the suggested changes in behaviours suggested in one of my earlier blogs? If so and they are improving your interactions try the following for even more love;

  • Don’t be selective in who you make feel important

Some people tend to save their nice side for people who they think are important and maybe don’t turn it on for people who they believe are beneath them. Charismatic people listen closely to everyone, and they make all of us, regardless of our position or social status or “level,” feel like we have something in common with them. Because we do. We’re all human.

  • Remove distractions

There is nothing worse than someone who checks their phone as they talk to you so don’t focus on anything else but them as you can never connect with others if you’re busy connecting with your stuff, too. Give the gift of your full attention. That’s a gift few people give. It alone will make others want to be around you.

  • Don’t act self important

The only people who are impressed by your stuck up, pretentious, self-important self are other stuck up, pretentious, self-important people. The rest aren’t impressed. They’re irritated, put off, and uncomfortable. And they hate when you walk into the room. This is sadly too often a comment made about finance people – after all we did exams, we work later than everyone else and finance is the most important function in the organisation sic!

Instead be :

  • Ready to admit your own failings

To be charismatic you need to be genuine. To shown this, be humble, share your screwups, admit your mistakes, and most importantly be able to laugh at yourself. While you should never laugh at other people, you should always laugh at yourself. People won’t laugh at you. People will laugh with you.

They’ll like you better for it – and they’ll want to be around you a lot more.


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How to be loved